Learn more about

Binybara / Lee Point

Where is Binybara / Lee Point?

Lee Point is on Larrakia Country in Darwin, Northern Territory Australia.

The Danggalaba Kulumbirigin people hold the cultural authority for this significant place.

Learn more here

Destruction continues after Larrakia Traditional Owners begin legal action

Read our media release from July 7th 2023 here

Open Letter to Minister Plibersek from Mililma May

Just days before the bulldozers descended onto Binybara, Mililma penned a letter to Minister for Environment Tanya Plibersek.


  1. You can read Mililma's letter here
  2. Email, Mail the letter to Minister Plibersek
  3. Call Minister Plibersek and ask her to stop the development at Lee Point.


Electoral Office Address

1a Great Buckingham Street (cnr. Cleveland Street)
Sydney, NSW, 2016

Postal address
PO Box 2676
Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012

Telephone: (02) 9379 0700

Email: minister.plibersek@dcceew.gov.au

How do I help Save Lee Point?

We can save Lee Point together. Your help makes a difference.

  1. Join Friends of Lee Point have actions and information here.
  2. Follow the updates from the legal matter here.
  3. Email Minister Plibersek here.
  4. Donate to UP here.

Health Impacts of Fracking and Gas Hubs

Billawook Gurinyi Community Centre

Our centre is named after our Kulumbirigin Danggalaba matriachal sisters Dedja Billawook Batcho and Dolly Gurinyi Batcho.

Gulumoerrgin aka Darwin

This map shows our geographic location in the Top End of Australia.

Gulumoerrgin is the Indigenous language for Darwin and the surrounding regions of Cox Peninsula and Gunn Point in the Northern Territory.

Our Stories

The Kulumbirigin Danggalaba are the Traditional Owners and descendants of Traditional Owners of Gulumoerrgin now known as Larrakia Country or Darwin.

In 1973, Dolly Gurinyi Batcho and Victor Williams, along with Bobby Secretary visited our sacred site at Emery Point for the first time since army occupation.

This event took place in the early days of the Land Claim movement that then evolved into Land Rights.

Our Language

Members of the language group, Lorraine Williams, Judith Williams, Maureen Ogden led the development of the Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) seasonal calendar.

Dalba Larrakia Baby was created by the Larrakia Minbeni Rangers. It’s written in English and Larrakia; one of the local languages spoken in the Darwin region